
Loam Studio
Loam Studio - View details
Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike - View details
Abigail Marsh
Abigail Marsh - View details


HOS 2024

Dates for 2024 will be Saturday 17th to Bank Holiday Monday 26th August. 
Our colour brochure is being distributed around the county by the end of July.  Look out for it in your local shops, libraries and tourist information centres. 
You can also browse all the listings on our website and also try out our new app for your mobile phone or look at our online flip brochure.  If you would like to receive a paper copy email us your address and we can either suggest a local stockist to collect or post one out to you.

Artists & craft studios throughout Hampshire

Watercress Line
Watercress Line - View details
Claire Wiltsher
Claire Wiltsher - View details
All Saint’s Church Hall
All Saint’s Church Hall - View details
The Painted Dragonfly: Helen Emery
The Painted Dragonfly - View details

Supporting artists across the region

Take 10 Artists
Take 10 Artists - View details
Goldhill Education
Goldhill Education read more
Kate Cledwyn
Kate Cledwyn - View details
Esser-Miles Mosaics
Esser-Miles Mosaics - View details

contact details


Lesley Self
Creative Director

Copyright 2015 by Hampshire Open Studios
All rights reserved